Note |
This manual was written by Alicja for Ipet. I only changed screens into magesuite ones. It maybe should be move to user manual confluence, but I do not have rights to edit it. |
What are web push notifications?
Push notifications are popup-like messages that appear on a user's device, sent by the shop to the users.
Users who are subscribed to a specific kind of notification will receive push notifications - even if the browser/app is not open. Users can opt-in to receive push notifications or opt out in User Area.
See documentation: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Push_API
Tutorial: https://web.dev/explore/notifications
Can I use: https://caniuse.com/push-api
Note |
In progress |
If Notification.permission === 'granted'
The getRegistration() method of the ServiceWorkerContainer interface gets a ServiceWorkerRegistration object. The subscribe()
method of the PushManager
interface subscribes to a push service. A new push subscription is created if the current service worker does not have an existing subscription. It returns a Promise
that resolves to a PushSubscription
object containing details of a push subscription.
If there is no pwa_device_endpoint
cookie or pwa_device_endpoint
cookie value is different than the subscription endpoint. the following data is sent to the backend:
Code Block |
url: url.build('rest/V1/pwa/device_information'),
data: JSON.stringify({
oldEndpoint: pwaDeviceEndpointFromCookie,
endpoint: pushSubscriptionData.endpoint,
keys: pushSubscriptionData.keys
contentType: 'application/json'
}) |
Then pwa_device_endpoint
cookie is set with value returned in the response.
Notification event listeners
In the magesuite-pwa-notifications/view/frontend/layout/pwa_serviceworker_index.xml
layout MageSuite_PwaNotifications::push.phtml
template is added to pwa.service-worker
block. The template adds event listeners and logic for handling push notifications. Push (see https://web.dev/push-notifications-handling-messages/
When a message is received, it'll result in a push event being dispatched in the service worker. The callback check if there is a title, icon, and badge in event.data
, if not default values are set. Then notification is created on an active service worker.
Notification click event (see https://web.dev/push-notifications-notification-behaviour/#notification-click-event )
After the notification that was clicked, the script checks if there is notification.data.url
and redirects a user to the URL - if exists. It also always closes the notification.
Pushsubscriptionchange (see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/ServiceWorkerGlobalScope/pushsubscriptionchange_event )
if there is event.oldSubscription && event.newSubscription
the following request is posted:
Code Block |
fetch('<?=$deviceInformationApiUrl?>', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'},
body: JSON.stringify({
oldEndpoint: event.oldSubscription.endpoint,
endpoint: event.newSubscription.endpoint,
keys: event.newSubscription.toJSON().keys
}) |
Success page
On the success page, a panel is displayed that allows a user to subscribe to order push notifications. For more details see the User manual
section of this documentation.