3.4.1. Popular Indicator

3.4.1. Popular Indicator


The Popular Indicator is a badge which highlights products that the best performing taking into account a certain attribute in a given category. E.g. you can choose on of the Bestseller Score attributes (see Bestseller Products Logic) to mark the best-selling items are popular. The Popular Indicator badge is visible on Product tiles on the Product Overview page as well as on the Product Detail pages. The Indicator can be controlled per store or per category.

Figure 108 Popular Indicator on the Product Detail Page (storefront)



Firstly set up the Popular Indicator setting in STORES / SETTINGS / CONFIGURATION and navigate to MAGESUITE and then POSITIVE INDICATORS. Here expand the POPULAR ICON section. In order to enable the Popular Indicator feature select YES in the ENABLED dropdown. In case you want to mark the best-selling items as popular, select one of the “Bestseller Score by” attributes (see Bestseller Products Logic) in the PRODUCT LISTING SORT BY dropdown field. Choose in the PRODUCT LISTING SORT DIRECTION the option DESCENDING in order to mark the products with the highest attribute value selected in the previous step. Finally enter in the NUMBER OF PRODUCTS input the amount of items to have a Popular Indicator badge on the Product Overview page, per Category.


When the settings are done click SAVE CONFIG on the top on the right-hand side. After the cronjob calculated the items and attribute values, the Popular Icons are given for the specific products.36





36 Usually this happens every night, depending on the cronjob configuration in the code.


Figure 109 Popular Indicator configuration (admin panel)



You can also control the Popular Indicator on category level. Access CATALOG / INVENTORY / CATEGORIES. Click in the category to make the settings in the left category tree and move to the POSITIVE INDICATORS section. In order to enable the Popular Indicator feature for the given category (and the Popular Indicator badges on Product tiles) tick the ENABLE POPULAR ICON checkbox.

Depending on the settings made in the previous step in STORES / SETTINGS / CONFIGURATION the X first items will have the Popular Indicator while X corresponds to the NUMBER OF PRODUCTS input.


Figure 110 Popular Indicator configuration per category (admin panel)



Finally you can verify the products’ performance in terms of the Popular Indicator. Access CATALOG / INVENTORY / PRODUCTS. Find the product that you want to verify in the Product Overview grid. Click the product and expand the POSITIVE INDICATORS section. Here you can inspect if the product is marked as popular by checking the POPULAR ICON checkbox. Also the POPULAR ICON CATEGORIES gives information in which categories (category IDs) the product is marked as popular.


Figure 111 Popular Indicator configuration per product (admin panel)



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