4.7.1. All Categories Navigation Flyout
MageSuite grants the store owner the possibility to include all the shop categories within an “ALL CATEGORIES” navigation item. Here all enabled categories form the root category will be displayed. The All Categories Navigation Flyout is typically used in cases where the shop contains a lot of first level categories which would not fit in the main navigation bar. The main navigation bar in such cases features the highlight categories.
Usually the very left column of the All Categories Navigation Flyout features the first level categories. Depending on the cursor location, the column in the mid section will feature the second level and, if enabled, third level categories of the corresponding first level category (cursor location). The Image Teaser contained in the very right column depends on the first level category settings.
In order to enable the All Categories Navigation Flyout access STORES / SETTINGS / CONFIGURATION and then proceed to MAGESUITE and then NAVIGATION. In the ENABLED select
field select “YES” to enable the feature. In the ALL CATEGORIES LABEL input field enter the text to be
displayed on the All Categories Navigation Item. In the MAXIMUM 3RD LEVEL CATEGORIES input field
enter the number of third level category navigation items to be displayed below the second level
categories. In case the actual amount of third level categories exceeds the input made here, a “more…”
button will be displayed.
When the changes are done click “SAVE CONFIG” in the top-section on the right-hand side.55
Per default all first level categories are displayed in the main navigation bar. In order to disable first level categories from the main navigation bar access CATALOG / INVENTORY / CATEGORIES and click the first level category on the category tree. Now in the INCLUDE IN MAIN BAR checkbox select “NO”. When the changes are done click “SAVE” in the top-section on the right-hand side.
54 In order to make the changes visible on the storefront you need to flush the cache in SYSTEM / TOOLS / CACHE MANAGEMENT