
This module adds the possibility to change the sort order for blocks and containers nested in sortable containers.


This module is required by theme-creativeshop and is installed out of the box when theme-creativeshop is required

composer require "creativestyle/magesuite-product-details-reorder" ^1.0.0

Admin settings

There is no admin setting, the module is enabled after installation


Sorting is working only for containers configured to be sortable, the configuration is stored in file etc/view.xml.
Default enabled containers:

<vars module="MageSuite_ProductDetailsReorder"> <var name="sortable_containers"> <var name="0"></var> <var name="1"></var> </var> </vars>

To sort blocks inside containers new argument needs to be added:
<argument name="sort_order" xsi:type="string">120</argument>
If this is not specified then the default sort_order is 10.


<referenceBlock name="product.attributes" group="column_right"> <arguments> <argument name="contain_content" xsi:type="boolean">false</argument> <argument name="sort_order" xsi:type="string">20</argument> </arguments> </referenceBlock>