MagepalGoogletagmanagerAdcell (optional)

GitHub - magesuite/magepal-googletagmanager-adcell

The module extends magepal-googletagmanager with data required for Adcell and allows to advertise on the MageSuite shop with Display Retargeting via ADCELL – das Partnerprogramm und Affiliate Netzwerk.



This module is optional.

composer require "creativestyle/magesuite-magepal-googletagmanager-adcell" ^1.0.0

Admin settings

There is no admin setting for this module.


To be added


In catalog_category_view.xml and catalogsearch_result_index.xml magepal_gtm_datalayer is moved to the bottom of the body:

<move element="magepal_gtm_datalayer" destination="before.body.end"/>