PageCacheWarmer (optional)
Page Cache Warmer
TODO - extend description
This module is optional
composer require "creativestyle/magesuite-page-cache-warmer" ^1.0.0
Admin settings
Admin settings are located in Stores -> Configuration -> MageSuite -> Cache Warmer
Field | Options | Coment |
Enabled | Yes/No |
Enable gathering tags from url | Yes/No
| This functionality will gather all cache tags associated with URLs visited by customers. Gathered URLs will be used to fill page cache warmup queue when specific tag is cleaned. |
Customer Group |
Store View |
Category form
Field | Options | Coment |
Cache Warm-up
| Page cache for this category can be warmed-up. Select if it shall be warmed up and how important the warm-up is. |
Product form
Field | Options | Coment |
Cache Warm-up
| Page cache for this category can be warmed-up. Select if it shall be warmed up and how important the warm-up is. |
CMS page form
Field | Options | Coment |
Cache Warm-up
| Page cache for this category can be warmed-up. Select if it shall be warmed up and how important the warm-up is. |
In progress
There are no frontend features in the module.