Extension to handle and display changelogs across multiple extensions. The Changelog admin view allows an admin user to track and comprehend changes introduced both in the MageSuite ecosystem and in the project’s customizations. Changelog extension merges all xmls from each extension and builds one big piece of data to be rendered in the admin panel.
This module is part of core metapackage
Installation if metapackage is not used:
composer require "creativestyle/magesuite-changelog" ^1.0.0
Features implemented
Possibility to read optional changelog files from all extensions - not only MageSuite, but all registered in Magento (who knows, maybe other developers will also use that?)
Possibility to read changelog file from themes
XSD for XML validation
Even though information comes from xml files, the module saves it as flat structure in database, for easier sorting, filtering, and manipulating.
REST endpoints for reading/updating/deleting changelog entries (possible release notes automation)
ACL roles for each action
Blocks and AJAX controllers for admin, including convenient filters and two views
Option to include ticket number in XML
When the tracker url is set in configuration - entries with ticket-Ids will be linked with tracker URL
Each module, version (tag) and change can have a custom URL, which will be linked - so it’s a chance to tell something more about extension or feature
Command to output changelog in console
Command and API endpoint to create deployment - in order to put a virtual entry to visualize what has/will be deployed.
Emojis for each type of change
First steps
Adding markdown description
Custom paths
Admin setting
To access changelog enter System -> Tools -> MageSuite Changelog
An admin user can use the dropdown to select time-range which you find interesting - only changes introduced in this time window will be shown:
Last week
Last month
Last year
Since the last deployment (the most interesting one)
Custom time-range (date-pickers get enabled when selected)
Clicking on APPLY button will show you all changes that happened to your project in the selected time-range.
Two display modes are available:
By extension - all changes are grouped by extension, so you can get an overview of which modules you have installed and what new features are being introduced in MageSuite.