In order to give MageSuite developers a better overview of frontend workflow, settings, and possibilities of customization examples from child themes are listed below.
Background for image teaser slide
Add the possibility to set solid, custom background instead of an image in the image-teaser based components.
Admin panel
Add custom tab and background field to teaser admin CC configurator
<vars module="MageSuite_ContentConstructor"> <var name="teaser"> <var name="tabs"> <var name="3"> <var name="label">Custom</var> <var name="content"> <var name="fields"> <var name="0"> <var name="label">Background color</var> <var name="type">color</var> <var name="model">background_color</var> </var> </var> </var> </var> </var> </var> </vars>
Detailed documentation of custom fields: Custom Fields
Add background template
Create MageSuite_ContentConstructorFrontend/templates/component/image_teaser/slide_elements/hotspots/before_content.phtml
in a child theme.
<?php $slide = $block->getSlide(); $backgroundColor = $slide->getBackgroundColor(); ?> <?php if (isset($backgroundColor)): ?> <div class="cs-image-teaser__background" style="background: <?= $backgroundColor ?>;"></div> <?php endif; ?>
To learn about other slide hotspots check:k magesuite-content-constructor-frontend/view/frontend/templates/component/image_teaser/slide_elements/hotspots
List of hotspots:
Add styles
Add scss in a child theme components/image-teaser/image-teaser.scss
@import '~Creativeshop/components/image-teaser/image-teaser'; .#{$ns}image-teaser { &__background { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; } }
Button new type
Add new styles for buttons.
Define a name and add styles
Define the new button type: extra-cta
and add its styles.
Add components/button/hook.scss
@import 'config/variables'; @import '~Creativeshop/components/button/hook'; @mixin button-hook($type, $icon_pos) { @if ($type == 'extra-cta') { background-color: $color_background-1000; border: 1px solid $color_background-1000; color: $color_text-200; &:hover, &:focus, &:active { &:not([disabled]) { background-color: $color_text-200; border: 1px solid $color_secondary-200; color: $color_background-1000; * { color: $color_secondary-200; fill: $color_secondary-200; } } } } }
Some button styles ar global and are applied to all types of button, f.e:
display: inline-block; font-size: $button_font-size; font-weight: $button_font-weight; text-align: $button_text-align; position: relative; line-height: $button_line-height; margin: 0; text-transform: $button_text-transform;
Check common variables in theme-creativeshop/src/components/button/mixin.scss
Override variables to change button type
If a button has defined button type variable override in order to apply new styles, f.e:
$checkout_next-button-type: 'extra-cta'; $checkout_place-order-button-type: 'extra-cta';
Style new button
@import 'components/button/mixin'; .actions-toolbar { .primary { button { @include button( $type: 'extra-cta', $icon_pos: $button_default-icon-pos ); } } }
Filters - move filters into offcanvas
The common design pattern is to move the filter into offcanvas on mobile. theme-creativeshop offers a built-in possibility to move filters into offcanvas on mobile and/or desktop. (However, desktop offcanvas filters are very rarely used)
Display offcanvas toggle button and enable offcanvas filters:
<vars module="Magento_Catalog"> <var name="toolbar"> <var name="filters_offcanvas_button"> <var name="display">false</var> <var name="label">Filters</var> <var name="icon">images/icons/toolbar/filters.svg</var> </var> </var> <var name="offcanvas_filters_enabled"> <var name="mobile">true</var> <var name="desktop">false</var> </var> </vars>
Do not collapse filters
the standard behavior of magesuite filters on mobile is to collapse the whole filters section:
In order to show filters in offcanvas set is_collapsible_mobile
variable in:
<referenceBlock name="catalog.leftnav"> <arguments> <argument name="is_collapsible_mobile" xsi:type="boolean">false</argument> </arguments> </referenceBlock>
<referenceBlock name="catalogsearch.leftnav"> <arguments> <argument name="is_collapsible_mobile" xsi:type="boolean">false</argument> </arguments> </referenceBlock>
There are a couple of variables for the toggle button that can be adjusted. components/toolbar/toolbar.scss
$toolbar_filters-button-type: 'secondary' !default; $toolbar_filters-button-icon-pos: 'left' !default;
Offcanvas filters styles are placed in components/offcanvas-filters
There are some variables that can be adjusted in order to achieve the desired look&feel of the child project:
$offcanvas-filters_transition-time: $transition-default-time !default; $offcanvas-filters_overlay-background: $modals_overlay-background !default; $offcanvas-filters_drawer-background: $color_background-200 !default; $offcanvas-filters_spinner-color: $color_primary-500 !default; $offcanvas-filters__close-include-pseudoicon: true !default; $offcanvas-filters__close-pseudoicon-type: 'plus' !default; $offcanvas-filters__close-width: 2rem !default; $offcanvas-filters__close-line-width: 0.2rem !default; $offcanvas-filters__close-color: $color_text-600 !default; $offcanvas-filters__close-color-hover: $color_text-500 !default;
Hover effect on tile - add the second image on hover
Many projects request to add a hover effect on tile that shows another product image (f.e. the back of the product).
Add a template for the second image on the tile
In MageSuite_ProductTile/layout/product_tile.xml
add a template with the second image:
<referenceBlock name="product.tile.container.figure"> <block class="MageSuite\ProductTile\Block\Tile\Fragment" name="product.tile.figure.hover.image" template="MageSuite_ProductTile::fragments/hover-image.phtml" after="-"> <arguments> <argument xsi:type="object" name="cache_key_model">MageSuite\ProductTile\Cache\Image</argument> <argument xsi:type="string" name="css_class">cs-product-tile__image cs-product-tile__image--hover</argument> </arguments> </block> </referenceBlock>
<?php $product = $block->getProduct(); $imageHelper = $this->helper('Magento\Catalog\Helper\Image'); $productImageOnHover = $block->getImage($product, 'category_on_hover_page_grid'); $productImageOnHoverUrl = $block->escapeUrl($productImageOnHover->getImageUrl()); $productImageOnHover2x = $block->getImage($product, $block->getImage2xId() ?? 'category_on_hover_page_grid_x2'); $productImageOnHover2xUrl = $block->escapeUrl($productImageOnHover2x->getImageUrl()); $productImageOnHoverWidth = $productImageOnHover->getWidth(); $productImageOnHoverHeight = $productImageOnHover->getHeight(); $productImageOnHoverAlt = $block->escapeHtmlAttr($product->getName()); $imageTypeHelper = $this->helper(\MageSuite\ThemeHelpers\Helper\ImageType::class); $loaderImage = ''; /* XML config */ $cssClass = $block->getCssClass(); $imgClass = $block->getImgClass(); $applyWidthHeightAttr = $block->getApplyWidthHeightAttr(); ?> <?php if ($productImageOnHover && strpos($productImageOnHoverUrl, 'placeholder') === false): ?> <picture class="<?= $cssClass ?>"> <source srcset="<?= $productImageOnHoverUrl . ' 1x, ' . $productImageOnHover2xUrl . ' 2x' ?>" > <img src="<?= $productImageOnHoverUrl ?>" class="<?= $imgClass ?>" srcset="<?= $productImageOnHoverUrl . ' 1x, ' . $productImageOnHover2xUrl . ' 2x' ?>" <?php if ($applyWidthHeightAttr): ?> width="<?= $productImageOnHoverWidth ?>" height="<?= $productImageOnHoverHeight ?>" <?php endif; ?> alt="<?= $productImageOnHoverAlt ?>" loading="lazy" > </picture> <?php endif; ?>
Add styling
.#{$ns}product-tile { $root: &; @media (hover: hover) { &:hover { #{$root}__image--hover { opacity: 1; } } } &__image { display: block; &--hover { display: none; @media (hover: hover) { display: block; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; z-index: 2; opacity: 0; } } } }
Change scenario for navigation flyout teaser
The navigation teaser scenario can be changed to any available image teaser scenario.
In order to learn about configuration options check theme-creativeshop/src/MageSuite_Navigation/layout/default.xml
<block class="MageSuite\Navigation\Block\Navigation" name="navigation.main" template="MageSuite_Navigation::main/bar.phtml"> <arguments> <argument xsi:type="array" name="imageTeaserConfig"> <item name="items" xsi:type="array"> <item name="0" xsi:type="array"> <item name="image" xsi:type="array"> <item name="aspect_ratio" xsi:type="string">3:5</item> </item> <item name="content_align" xsi:type="array"> <item name="x" xsi:type="string">2</item> <item name="y" xsi:type="string">1</item> </item> <item name="optimizers" xsi:type="array"> <item name="color_scheme" xsi:type="string">dark</item> </item> <item name="teaserType" xsi:type="string">full</item> </item> </item> <item name="scenario" xsi:type="array"> .... </argument> </arguments> </block>
Add SKU (or other custom elements) on a product tile
In order to add an extra element to the product tile create a template and add it to the product tile XML:
<referenceBlock name="product.tile.container.main.details"> <block class="MageSuite\ProductTile\Block\Tile\Container" name="product.tile.sku.container" before="-"> <arguments> <argument xsi:type="string" name="html_tag">div</argument> <argument xsi:type="string" name="css_class">cs-product-tile__sku</argument> </arguments> <block class="MageSuite\ProductTile\Block\Tile\Fragment" name="product.tile.sku" template="MageSuite_ProductTile::fragments/sku.phtml" /> </block> </referenceBlock>
<?= $block->escapeHtml($block->getProduct()->getSku()) ?>
Read more in MageSuite_productTile module documentation: ProductTile
Add a special variant for image teaser
Sometimes there is a need to style some image teasers in a special way. Thanks to the custom fields an admin editor can mark some teasers as special variants (see Custom Fields ) and a frontend developer can style them based on a custom class.
Admin panel:
Add special variant custom fields
<vars module="MageSuite_ContentConstructor"> <var name="image_teaser"> <var name="custom_sections"> <var name="0"> <var name="label">Custom settings</var> <var name="content"> <var name="fields"> <var name="0"> <var name="label">Special variant (use only with image-teaser component)</var> <var name="type">select</var> <var name="options"> <var name=" ">Standard</var> <var name="cs-container--mood-component">Mood component</var> </var> <var name="model">special-variant</var> <var name="default"> </var> <var name="frontend_type">css_class</var> </var> </var> </var> </var> </var> </var> </vars>
Style component that is wrapped in a container with and extra modifier
Styles example:
.#{$ns}container--mood-component { .#{$ns}image-teaser { --base-size: 100%; --gap: 0; --slogan-font-size: 2rem; --description-font-size: 1.4rem; @include media('>=laptop') { --slogan-font-size: 2.4rem; --description-font-size: 1.6rem; } .#{$ns}image-teaser__background { height: 73%; @include media('>=tablet') { height: 54%; } } .#{$ns}image-teaser__figure { display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: space-between; } } }
Custom will will be applied to all image-teaser based component (f.e. hero, icon component)
In order to hide a custom field in a specific component configuration hide them with styles, f.e.
.cc-image-teaser-configurator--teaser-and-text, .cc-image-teaser-configurator--icon { .cc-custom-fields__form-group:has(.cc-input--special-variant) { display: none; } }
The CSS class of a custom field follows the pattern: .cc-input--[name]
Styles for CC configurator must be placed in a module, not in the child theme, f.e. under the following path:
Place an additional element below mobile navigation in offcanvas
The common design pattern is to place some elements like my account icon or language switcher below mobile navigation. In the theme-creativeshop icons are placed in the header or mobile, but there is an easy way to move them into offcanvas if there is a such design requirement. It is also possible to place other, custom elements in mobile offcanvas navigation.
Offcanvas drawer template hotspots
In the MageSuite_Navigation/templates/offcanvas/drawer.phtml
template serevral hotspots are prepared:
<?= $block->getChildHtml('navigation.offcanvas.after.list'); ?> <?= $block->getChildHtml('navigation.offcanvas.after.authorization'); ?> <?= $block->getChildHtml('navigation.offcanvas.after.language'); ?> <?= $block->getChildHtml('navigation.offcanvas.after'); ?>
They can be used in order to place inside them some new elements f.e. static block:
<referenceBlock name="navigation.offcanvas"> <block class="MageSuite\ThemeHelpers\Block\Cms\CacheableBlock" name="navigation.offcanvas.after.list"> <arguments> <argument name="block_id" xsi:type="string">company-menu</argument> </arguments> </block> </referenceBlock>
Show search input on the desktop as a dropdown
By default in MageSuite above defined breakpoint search input is visible as a normal header element (layer), by default between the logo & user nav.
$global_header-mobile-search-in-offcanvas-breakpoint: 'tablet' !default
The other possible option is to place search input below header - in the same way as on mobile.
In order to change this behavior in src/config/variables.scss
file of your there set the following variable:
$global_header-hide-search-item-trigger-breakpoint: false; $global_header-searchbox-as-layer-breakpoint: false;