In the CRON section you can define the cronjob settings for the time period used to update the Bestseller calculation in the format min the Bestseller calculation in the format min / hour / day / month / year. In the example underneath the cronjob is running at 23 In the example underneath the cronjob is running at 23.59 every day, every month and every year. At this point you also need to take into account the time-zone settings in GENERAL / GENERAL / LOCALE OPTIONS / TIMEZONE.
Now you can also set a specific multiplier per Product. Access CATALOG / INVENTORY / PRODUCTS and select the product in the Product Overview gridandselect the product in the Product Overview grid. Scroll down to the BESTSELLERS section. Here you can inspect the actual Bestseller performance for the given product in following entries Here you can inspect the actual Bestseller performance for the given product in following entries:
You can also enter here a custom Bestseller Score in order to modify the performance. Please note, that the custom input here will be overwritten after the next cronjob updating the Bestseller PerformanceBestseller Performance.34 In the In the BESTSELLER SCORE MULTIPLIER input you can enter a value in % that will be used to boost (a number higher than 100a number higher than 100) or penalize (a number lower than 100) the given product in the Bestseller calculation the given product in the Bestseller calculation (default value is 100).
34 Usually every night the cronjob does update Bestsellers. You can modify the cronjob settings in You can modify the cronjob settings in STORES / SETTINGS / CONFIGURATION -> MAGESUITE -> BESTSELLER -> CRON.