3.2. Bestseller Products Logic
The Bestseller Products Logic is a powerful sorting logic that allows displaying products according to their sales performance. You can apply this mechanism in many pages and elements in the shop, e.g. in the CC Product Carousel component (see Figure 100). The mechanism does periodically calculate and check the sales performance (“Bestseller Score”) of the shop’s products and arranges them according to the configuration. Thus, when applying sorting by Bestseller Score the customer will actually be faced with the current best-selling products.
The sorting logic can be applied in following components and page types:
CC Products grid component, selected in the ORDER BY dropdown (see Products Grid)
CC Product Carousel component, selected in the ORDER BY dropdown (see Image Teaser 2.0)
Category configuration, selected under DISPLAY SETTINGS in the AVAILABLE PRODUCT LISTING SORT BY select field and the DEFAULT PRODUCT LISTING SORT BY
There are three different ways and indicators that define the Bestseller performance (“Bestseller Score”):
Bestseller Score by Amount: The sales performance is calculated based on the amount of items ordered of a given product within a specific amount of time.
Bestseller Score by Turnover: The sales performance is calculated based on the revenue made with a given product within a specific amount of time. In this case the price and the amount of items are taken into account.
Bestseller Score by Sale: The sales performance is calculated based on the amount of orders placed containing the given product within a specific amount of time. In this case neither price nor number of items sold are taken into account but the number of customers buying the product.
In order to setup the Bestseller calculation logic access STORES / SETTINGS / CONFIGURATION and navigate to MAGESUITE and BESTSELLER. Here do the following:
In the CRON section you can define the cronjob settings for the time period used to update the Bestseller calculation in the format min / hour / day / month / year. In the example underneath the cronjob is running at 23.59 every day, every month and every year. At this point you also need to take into account the time-zone settings in GENERAL / GENERAL / LOCALE OPTIONS / TIMEZONE.
In the ORDER PERIOD define the period of time to be considered for the Bestseller calculation:
All orders: All orders made in the shop are used for the Bestseller calculation.
Orders from 7 days: All orders made in the shop within the last 7 days are used for the Bestseller calculation.
Orders from 30 days: All orders made in the shop within the last 30 days are used for the Bestseller calculation.
Orders from 1 year: All orders made in the shop within the last year are used for the Bestseller calculation.
Next expand the BOOSTING FACTORS section where you can modify the factors used for the Bestseller calculation. The rationale behind this section is to boost items bought lately and to penalize items are either bought a longer time ago (e.g. more than 365 days) or that are out of stock.
Boosting Factor A: Orders placed within the last 7 days will be multiplied by the factor entered here (default value is 3)
Boosting Factor B: Orders placed within the last 30 days will be multiplied by the factor entered here (default value is 2)
Boosting Factor C: Orders placed within the last 365 days will be multiplied by the factor entered here (default value is 1)
Boosting Factor D: Orders placed more than 365 days ago will be multiplied by the factor entered here (default value is 0)
Sold Out Decrease Factor: Items that are currently out of stock will be multiplied by the factor entered here (default value is 0.5)
In the SORTING section you can choose to invert the Bestseller calculation by selecting DESCENDING
as the SORTING DIRECTION. In such cases the worst performing products will be placed first.
When the settings have been made click SAVE CONFIG. Depending on the time period placed in ORDERS PERIOD Magento will calculate the Bestsellers. Depending on the settings made in CRON the cronjob will update the Bestsellers sorting.
Now you can also set a specific multiplier per Product. Access CATALOG / INVENTORY / PRODUCTS andselect the product in the Product Overview grid. Scroll down to the BESTSELLERS section. Here you can inspect the actual Bestseller performance for the given product in following entries:
You can also enter here a custom Bestseller Score in order to modify the performance. Please note, that the custom input here will be overwritten after the next cronjob updating the Bestseller Performance.34 In the BESTSELLER SCORE MULTIPLIER input you can enter a value in % that will be used to boost (a number higher than 100) or penalize (a number lower than 100) the given product in the Bestseller calculation (default value is 100).
Product 1:
Total quantity ordered was 20 times the last 7 days / the product was contained in 15 orders (Boosting Factor A is 3)
Total quantity ordered 15 times the within the period between 7 and 30 days / the product was contained in 10 orders (Boosting Factor B is 2)
has a price of 100€
has a multiplier of 100
Product 2:
Total quantity ordered was 5 times the last 7 days / the product was contained in 2 orders (Boosting Factor A is 3)
Total quantity ordered was 50 times the within the period between 7 and 30 days / the product was contained in 40 orders (Boosting Factor B is 2)
has a price of 50€
has a multiplier of 120
Bestseller Score by Amount
Product 1: 20*3*100 + 15*2*100 = 9.000
34 Usually every night the cronjob does update Bestsellers. You can modify the cronjob settings in STORES / SETTINGS / CONFIGURATION -> MAGESUITE -> BESTSELLER -> CRON.
Product 2: 5*3*120 + 50*2*120 = 13.800 (Product 2 will be sorted higher than Product 1)
Bestseller Score by Turnover
Product 1: 20*100*3*100 + 15*100*2*100 = 900.000
Product 2: 5*50*3*120 + 50*50*2*120 = 690.000 (Product 2 will be sorted lower than Product 1)
Bestseller Score by Sale
Product 1: 15*3*100 + 10*2*100 = 6.500
Product 2: 2*3*120 + 40*2*120 = 10.320 (Product 2 will be sorted higher than Product 1)