Breaking changes in Version 9

Breaking changes in Version 9

MageSuite 9.0.0 bumps up theme-creativeshop to v15.0.0 introducing compatibility with Magento 2.4.2+ and many other improvements

Theme Creativeshop breaking changes

The following breaking changes were introduced in theme-creativeshop since version v12.0.0


refactor(page-scroll)!: P2G-1610 To the top jumpmark missing

We refactored page-scroll component to make it more performant and cleaner.
Also, we moved page-scroll template to magesuite-theme-helers module instead of the theme to get rid of new custom templates.
If page-scroll was used in the child theme, it should be checked.


[refactor!: [KRG-1864] Remove address-autofill and google-address-detector components](https://github.com/magesuite/theme-creativeshop/commit/c2e2b2ce8d09a477d61fe12d0f68885afabbba5d)

Due to issues with autofill tools, we decided to get rid of this custom address autofill implementation.
Following components have been removed from theme-creativeshop:


As address autofill was the last feature that used the following file
we removed it entirely, as well as it's initialization, so if there was any extension of this in child theme,
it won't work anymore. [Related commit]


[feat(header): [MGS-4289] Switch from fixed to real sticky header positioning](https://github.com/magesuite/theme-creativeshop/commit/ba579d68acd91ab785cb7809a0a4774f7f4ca6d6)

In order to allow more flexibility we switched from fixed positioning to css sticky.
This MR changes the positioning of a header, therefore child projects have to be reviewed and adjusted
especially if project contains some elements on top of the header on mobile/tablets.

When you update you should:

  • Check scrolling header on mobile/tablet

  • Check offcanvass elements opening, before/after scrolling.

  • Check scrolling behaviour if project uses salebar widget or any widget on top of the header.

Check below variables, they might be useful to properly position the page-content and the header:

  • $header_sticky-top-position-mobile

  • $header_sticky-top-position-tablet

  • $sticky-header-page-wrapper-offset-mobile

  • $sticky-header-page-wrapper-offset-tablet

fix(breakpoint-util): Move util to separate entry and include on every page
We refactored breakpoint utility and included it separately on every page.
It should be used directly from window.breakpoint. All the imports of this util should be removed.


feat!: Container component cleanup
We've cleaned up most of the container styles, moving declarations to the components that are related to them, instead of one global container component.

feat! Comment out optional entries //to not include components that are not really needed
We've removed some components from entries, to not include them by default, as not every feature is used/installed or needed. Check entries/*

[fix!: [LED-2444] Fix product tile gallery images size](https://github.com/magesuite/theme-creativeshop/commit/b9be48ed6274d025772984e8d4798adb7c0a7c4c)
We've optimized product tile gallery feature seo-wise. tile-gallery component is no longer imported in entries by default.

[feat! (optional-ie-support): [MGS-4208] Move all styles for .ie11 html class to a separate file](https://github.com/magesuite/theme-creativeshop/commit/6ef52830be311f021a02cce390c0792e2bc6291b)

feat!: Remove unused blank theme styles
We got rid of default blank theme styles by overwriting

[fix!: [GNP-707] Fix removing agreements in order to keep native Magento before-place-order component](https://github.com/magesuite/theme-creativeshop/commit/582f0004fd250a14277026af59b61dfe75b6e1b3)
We got rid of our implementation of checkout agreements in favor of Magento one

[feat!: [LP-979] Add elastic offcanvas filters](https://github.com/magesuite/theme-creativeshop/commit/d97b743c143d6b75ac0b9f9eb648f4c0d0e54aaa)
We introduced a possibility of placing category/search results page filters in offcanvas

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