3.1. Daily Deal

3.1. Daily Deal

The Daily Deal feature is a simple but yet powerful marketing tool. In contrast to a simple product discount (catalog price rule) a daily deal promotes a discount


  • for a limited amount of products (“15 items left”)

  • for a limited amount of time (“limited time offer, 61 days, 0 hours, 53 mins, 42 sec”)


Due to this perception of shortages the user might be incentivized to purchase the product which increased conversions in turn. Daily Deal products can be promoted throughout the shop. I.e. Daily Deal products can be used on following CC components and pages:


  • Product Detail pages (see Figure 96)

  • Product Overview pages – Product tiles (see Figure 97)

  • CC Products Grid component – Product tiles (see Products Grid)

  • CC Products Carousel component – Product tiles (see Image Teaser 2.0)

  • CC Product Teaser component - Different type of product tile (see Figure 98)

  • CC Daily Deal Teaser component



Figure 96 Daily Deal on product detail page (storefront)



Figure 97 Daily Deal Products on Product overview page (storefront)


Figure 98 Daily Deal Product Teaser



Before setting Daily Deals for products it is worth checking the basic configuration. Access STORES / SETTINGS / CONFIGURATION. Now navigate to MAGESUITE and DAILY DEAL. In order to enable the Daily Deal feature, use the ENABLED select. Also you can choose to apply Daily Deals only for a limited quantity of products in stock. In order to do so use the USE QTY LIMITATION select. Further you can select to display Daily Deals on product tiles in the SHOW ON PRODUCT TILE dropdown:


  • “None”: There will be no hint on product tiles concerning Daily Deals

  • “Compact (as badge)”: There will be a small badge pointing out Daily Deal products (similar to the “NEW” and “SALE” badge)

  • “Full (with countdown”): There will be a prominent overlay on product tiles pointing out Daily Deal products (see Figure 97)


Figure 99 General Daily Deal configuration (admin panel)



After making the basic configuration you can set Daily Deals for products. Access CATALOG / INVENTORY / PRODUCTS. Select a product in the product overview grid to apply the Daily Deal with and click it. Now scroll down to the DAILY DEAL section and expand it. Now you need to make following settings:


  1. Enter an OFFER PRICE for the Daily Deal. This price will be displayed prominently which the old price will be displayed strike-through.

  2. In the OFFER FROM date selection choose the date and time the Daily Deal should begin for the given product.

  3. In the OFFER TO date selection choose the date and time the Daily Deal should end for the given product.

  4. In the OFFER LIMIT enter the amount of products you would like to apply the Daily Deal for. E.g. if the stock quantity is 100 and the OFFER LIMIT is set to 50, only 50 items will be sold as Daily Deals (during the Daily Deal period set in OFFER FROM and OFFER TO).
    The OFFER LIMIT is limited by the stock quantity contained in Magento, which also means, that for products without stock Daily Deal will never get enabled.

  5. In the INITIAL AMOUNT OF PRODUCTS you can set another amount of products that shall be used as an offer limit. This amount is used on the progress bar.

  6. You can set the INITIAL AMOUNT OF PRODUCTS equal to OFFER LIMIT.

  7. If the Daily Deal is active (you are editing a product during an active Daily Deal time period) the ENABLED checkbox will be ticked. This field is greyed out and you cannot control it. It only shows the status of Daily Deal for the product, which is controlled by cron, that runs every 5 minutes.


The Daily Deal can only get enabled status, when below conditions are true:

  • It’s used for a single Simple Product

  • Simple Product is not a part of Configurable product

  • Stock is greater than 0 (no backorders supported)

  • Dates are correct


When the changes are done click “SAVE” on the right-hand side in the top area.


Figure 99 Daily Deal configuration on Products (admin panel)


When the Daily Deal settings have been made click SAVE on top of the page on the right-hand side. In case the Daily Deal period has been set to begin now, the Daily Deal should be applied within 5 minutes (the time-period here depends on the cron settings controlled by developers).


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