7.4.2. Collectors

7.4.2. Collectors

Collectors make it possible to determine what, when and to whom notifications should be sent.

Figure 242 Notification Dashboard - Collector general configuration
  • Is Enabled: Allows to enable/disable the collector

  • Name: Name of collector

  • Type: Collector type, makes it possible to define in which situation notifications should be sent

  • Severity: How relevant the type of notifications is

  • Cron schedule: Determines when and how often checking should be performed

  • Visible on Dashboard: Should a specific type of notification be visible on the Dashboard or no

  • Limit on Dashboard: How many notifications should be displayed on the Dashboard

  • Add Admin Notification: Should add notifications to the default Magento Message System

  • Users: Allows to specify to which users notifications should be sent

  • Is Static: If this option is marked, it won’t be possible to further edit the collector configuration

Collector Types

The type determines in what situation notifications should be sent.
By default in MageSuite, there are several types, but since it is strongly related to the requirements of a particular project, in each project more types can be added in an easy and fast way.

Orders - Not paid invoices

An order can stay pending for a long time in Magento in case the customer created it but did not pay.
Sometimes it is good to remind the customer about the order, thanks to this type of collector we are able to easily catch such orders.

Figure 243 Notification Dashboard - Orders - Not paid invoices
  • Time delay (in days): Magento should check only orders created some time ago, in this example, orders older than 10 days.

  • Time period (in days): It doesn’t make sense to check all possible orders, so we have the option to limit the search to a certain number of days

Orders - Not updated status

Order flow is particularly important in any project.
Magento uses statuses to determine at what stage an order is, but sometimes an order can get stuck in one place.
To catch such orders, we can use this type of collector, which will send a notification if the order has a certain status for too long.

Figure 243 Notification Dashboard - Orders - Not updated status
  • Order status: Allows determining which status should be observed

  • Time delay (in days): Magento should check only orders created some time ago, in this example, orders older than 10 days.

  • Time period (in days): It doesn’t make sense to check all possible orders, so we have the option to limit the search to a certain number of days

Payment - Missing payment methods

The functioning of payment methods can be very different depending on the payment system provider.
In some cases, payments are set up in the admin panel and you don't need to do anything else, while in other cases you need to make sure that the configuration in both Magento and other panels is correct.

Since this is one of the most important parts of the shop, we want to make sure that payments work and are displayed at the checkout.
This type of collector sends notifications if no payment method is available.

Figure 244 Notification Dashboard - Payment - Missing payment methods


Products - Missing images

Product images are important, they help customers to choose a product, which also results in sales amount.
Single products without images look bad, so to catch such situations as soon as possible, we can use this type of collector.

Figure 244 Notification Dashboard - Products - Missing images
  • Product type: Magento displays images assigned to simple items on the configurable, bundle and grouped products so in some cases, it doesn’t make sense to check if images are assigned to configurable/grouped products

  • Excluded SKUs: In some cases, the image was not added to specific products intentionally. We can exclude this product, so Magento won’t send notifications about it

Other examples

Depending on the project specification, many different types of collectors can be added.
Few examples:

  • Order export issue - if something doesn’t work during the order export process, send the notification

  • Stock import issue - if the stock import doesn’t work, send the notification

  • Tracking/Order import - if there is any issue, send the notification

  • Low stock - if specific product qty is low, send the notification

  • Duplicated order - if one customer created multiple orders with the same items in short period of time, send the notification

  • Missing orders - If there are no or only a few orders over a period of time, something may not be working properly and in this case, we want to get a notification

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