Version 18

Version 18

List of breaking changes in theme-creativeshop version ^18.0.0

Sub-components imports removed from components and moved to entries for better ovverwriting possibilities:

  • removed from components/header/index.ts and added to all page-specfic entries:

'components/header/search' 'components/header/user-nav'
  • removed from components/product-details/index.ts and added to entries/pdp.ts:

'components/product-details/additional' added to pdp entry 'components/product-details/description' 'components/product-details/main' 'components/product-details/nav'
  • removed from components/cart/index.ts and added to entries/checkout.ts:

'components/cart/cart-bonus' 'components/cart/cart-item' 'components/cart/cart-summary' 'components/cart/cart-table'

Dev Hint: The following files shall be reviewed
and aligned with core (import of sub-components should be in entries now).

import of ‘bundle.scss’ removed from entries…

…as it only imported ‘Magento_Theme/web/css/source/layout’**
The latter is now imported in entries instead.

Dev Hint: move your custom styles from bundle.scss, to ‘config/base.scss’

introduced index.ts for ‘Amazon_Pay’ optional component

Import in entires should look like:
import 'Amazon_Pay' instead of 'Amazon_Pay/web/css/source/module.scss'

non-breaking but better to align

introduced index.ts for ‘MageSuite_PackstationDhl’ optional component

Import in entires should look like:
import 'MageSuite_PackstationDhl' instead of 'MageSuite_PackstationDhl/web/css/source/module.scss'

non-breaking but better to align

introduced index.ts for ‘Magento_LoginAsCustomerFrontendUi’ component and adjusted import in ‘entries/login-as-customer’


introduced index.ts for ‘MageSuite_SuccessPageOrderDetails’ optional component

Import in entires should look like:
import 'MageSuite_SuccessPageOrderDetails' instead of import 'MageSuite_SuccessPageOrderDetails/web/css/last-order-details.scss'

non-breaking but better to align

introduced index.ts for ‘MageSuite_BrandManagement’ component

Import in entires should look like:
import 'MageSuite_BrandManagement' instead of import 'MageSuite_BrandManagement/web/css/brands-index.scss'

non-breaking but better to align

introduced index.ts for ‘MageSuite_BackInStock’ component

Import in entires should look like:
import 'MageSuite_BackInStock' instead of import 'MageSuite_BackInStock/web/css/product-stock-subscription.scss'

non-breaking but better to align

introduced ‘MageSuite_Pwa’ folder and moved ‘components/pwa-a2hs-guide’ there.

Optional import should look like:
import 'MageSuite_Pwa' instead of import 'components/pwa-a2hs-guide'

Dev Hint: If ‘components/pwa-a2hs-guide’ has been overwritten in project, please move files accordingly and adjust imports.

introduced ‘MageSuite_PwaNotifications’ folder and moved ‘components/notification-panel’ there.

optional import should look like:
import 'MageSuite_PwaNotifications' instead of import 'components/notification-panel'

Dev Hint:
If ‘components/notification-panel’ has been overwritten in project, please move files accordingly and adjust imports.
Also, notification-panel component was imported by default in entires/pdp.ts - it’s not anymore. Import it in your project if in use.

introduced ‘MageSuite_QuickReorder’ folder and moved ‘components/latest-products-purchased’ and ‘components/reorder-banner’ there

Imports should look like:
import 'MageSuite_QuickReorder/latest-purchased-products' instead of import 'components/latest-purchased-products'
import 'MageSuite_QuickReorder/reorder-banner' instead of import 'components/reorder-banner'
Additionally, latest-products-purchased component is optional now, previously it was by default imported in ‘entries/customer.ts’.

Dev Hint:
If ‘components/latest-products-purchased’ or ‘components/reorder-banner’ has been overwritten in project, please move files accordingly and adjust imports.
If you do not import latest products purchased component in your child project explicitly and want to use it - add import to entry.

Moved ‘components/product-variants’ to ‘MageSuite_ProductVariants’ folder.

Optional import should look like:
import 'MageSuite_ProductVariants' instead of import 'components/product-variants'

Dev Hint: If ‘components/product-variants’ has been overwritten in project, please move files accordingly and adjust imports/paths.

Introduced ‘MageSuite_WidgetSalebar’ folder and moved ‘components/salebar-widget’ there.

import should look like:
import 'MageSuite_WidgetSalebar' instead of import 'components/salebar-widget'

Dev Hint:
If ‘components/salebar-widget’ or ‘entires/salebar-widget’ has been overwritten in project, please move files accordingly and adjust imports.

moved plugincompany-contactform component, from customization/plugincompany-contactform, to module folder ‘PluginCompany_ContactForms’.

Also, it is an OPTIONAL component now, so make sure you import it in entries when project is using it.

Dev Hint:
Check if you need plugincompany-contactform, if not - add import to your entries, if you overwritten this component, move files accordingly and adjust imports.
Previously it was imported by default in entries: checkout.ts, contact.ts, customer.ts

Removed ‘components/non-critical’ as it was an experiment which we do not use, styles moved to ‘confg/base.scss’

Dev Hint: if you used components/non-critcal component, move thees styles to other components.

Removed ‘entires/critical.ts’ as it was an experiment which we do not use

Dev Hint: if you used this entry - recreate it in project instead.

Removed ‘vendors/swiper.scss’ as Swiper is no longer used and supported by MageSuite.

Removed ‘vendors/_jquery.debouncedresize.js’ as it is not used.

Removed ‘sprites/’ as it is a relict.

Removed entiely ‘components/image-teaser-legacy’, ‘entries/image-teaser-legacy’ as we dropped its support a qouple of versions before.

Removed entiely ‘components/teaser’ as it is a relict

There are two related changes:
teaser/mixins/pagination.scss mixins were still used in product-gallery component, therefore we moved this file to ‘product-gallery/pagination/mixins.scss’,
cleaned up variables, removed hooks and changed variable names, removing ‘teaser_’ prefix.
A helper function ‘get-gradient-angle’ from ‘components/teaser/functions.scss’ was moved to ‘component/image-teaser/functions/get-gradient-angle.scss’

Dev hint: If project extends/overwrites ‘components/teaser/mixins/pagination’ or adds pagination hooks, move this component to
‘product-gallery/pagination/mixins.scss’, adjust imports, cleanup variable names and change their names removing ‘teaser_’ prefix from them.
If hooks for pagination were used, add related styles directly in ‘components/product-gallery/product-gallery.scss’

‘entires/product-compare.ts’ has been changed, and imports only ‘components/product-compare’ instead of all the components.

Product compare page now uses cms bundle + product compare component styles, see: ‘catalog_product_compare_index.xml’
It does not make sense to build whole entry as it only needs this one additional component in comparison to cms bundle.

Dev hint:
Check if product-compare page is displayed properly in child project.
generated product-compare.css is attached in xml by default, but if any component added to this page produces JS logic, it has to be attached additionally.
It can be added via xml, like we do for our base bundles (see “scripts” block in: src/Magento_Theme/layout/default.xml)

‘entires/magesuite-brand-management.ts’ has been changed, and imports only ‘MageSuite_BrandManagement’ instead of all the components.

Brand management page now uses category bundle + magesuite-brand-management styles, see: ‘brands_index_all.xml’
It does not make sense to build whole entry as it only needs this one additional component in comparison to category bundle.

Dev hint:
Check if brand management page is displayed properly in child project.
generated magesuite-brand-management.css is attached in xml by default, but if any component added to this page produces JS logic, it has to be attached additionally.
It can be added via xml, like we do for our base bundles (see “scripts” block in: src/Magento_Theme/layout/default.xml)

‘entires/magesuite-store-locator.ts’ has been changed, and imports only ‘MageSuite_StoreLocator’ component instead of all the components.

Store locator page now uses cms bundle + magesuite-store-locator bundle, see: ‘storelocator_index_index.xml’
It does not make sense to build whole entry as it only needs this one additional component in comparison to cms bundle.

Dev hint:
Check if store locator page is displayed properly in child project.
generated magesuite-store-locator.css is attached in xml by default, but if any component added to this page produces JS logic, it has to be attached additionally.
It can be added via xml, like we do for our base bundles (see “scripts” block in: src/Magento_Theme/layout/default.xml)

‘entires/contact.ts’ has been changed, and imports only additional components instead of all the components.

Store locator page now uses cms bundle + contact bundle, see: ‘contact_index_index.xml’ and ‘contactforms_form_view.xml’
It does not make sense to build whole entry as it only needs this one additional components in comparison to cms bundle.

Dev hint:
Check if contact page is displayed properly in child project.
generated contact.css is attached in xml by default, but if any component added to this page produces JS logic, it has to be attached additionally.
It can be added via xml, like we do for our base bundles (see “scripts” block in: src/Magento_Theme/layout/default.xml)

Removed ‘entries/breakpoint’, ‘utils/breakpoint/breakpoint.ts’ and dependency to it from ‘requirejs-config.js’.

It does not support listening with jQuery anymore, use native addEventListener as described in ‘src/Magento_Theme/templates/head/breakpoint-script.phtml’

Dev hint: search for ‘breakpointChange’ event through your child theme, if you use it, make sure that listener is attached to document using addEventListener,
and event data is properly referenced (like event.detail.breakpointName)

Advanced tab has been created for teaser based CC components with index equals to 2.

This tab provides additional options for teaser based CC components like possibility to set fetchpriority attribute as high, open CTA links in new tab
and passing tracking ID value to teaser slide element as data attribute.

Dev hint:
Check if project theme implements any custom field within newly created tab with index equals 2, if so adjust index properly in order to not to override
advanced tab.

Checkout “Next button” logic was refactored in order to make it more extensible.

Next button script was refactored in odrer to allow to add own logic for enabling/disabling the button in child themes and modules.
In “theme-creativeshop/src/Magento_Checkout/web/js/next-button.js” method called “canContinueToPayment” was added.
“isDisabled” property, which was an observable before, became computed because it checks multiple observables. Now it returns !this.canContinueToPayment()

Dev hint:
Check if project theme adds a mixin to next-button.js, if so move disabling/enambil logic to canContinueToPayment method. Do not forget to return parent method at the end: “return this._super();”
Do not reinitialize “isDisabled” in mixin
Heavy test checkout if you use packstation dhl module or pick in store.

Remove dependency to a module MageSuite_ShippingAddons and moved related component ‘components/free-shipping-indicator’ to ‘MageSuite_ShippingAddons’ folder

We introduced ‘MageSuite_ShippingAddons’ folder and moved ‘components/free-shipping-indicator’ there, module is no longer in dependencies of theme - can be installed if needed and import in entry is commented out.

Dev hint:
Check if project uses this component and if so, add it to globabl project dependencies,
import related component in your entries and adjust paths, as component was moved to ‘src/MageSuite_ShippingAddons/web/css/free-shipping-indicator.scss’ folder.

Removed old relict - ‘components/full-search’.

Dev hint:
Check if project uses this component and if so, recreate it in project.

Removed old relict ‘components/title-block’.

Dev hint:
Check if project uses this component and if so, recreate it in project.

Removed ‘components/proportional-scaler’ as it was an old relict

Dev hint:
Check if project uses this component and if so, recreate it in project.

Module MageSuite_LoginOrGuestCheckoutStep commented out as optional.

Dev hint:
Check if project uses this component and if so, import it in the project.

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