Version 20

Version 20

List of breaking changes in theme-creativeshop version ^20.0.0

  1. vendor/creativestyle/theme-creativeshop/src/Magento_Customer/templates/form/login.phtml


Fatal error in above template - viewmodel used in template no longer exists and new method was introduced.



minicart_messages value is changed from empty to page

<vars module="Magento_Checkout"> <!-- hidden/fixed/page/empty value. Empty value may lead to minicart layout shifts. Page value means that minciart message will be shown in standard, global message container --> <var name="minicart_messages">page</var> </vars>

With this setting, the minicart message is no longer displayed in minicart, but is placed in the global message container (default Magento flow)

Possibles settings:

  • hidden - no message

  • fixed - fixed on minicart

  • empty value - inserted inside minicart - please be aware of layout shifts

  • page - use standard Magento way of displaying messages (global container)

3. vendor/creativestyle/theme-creativeshop/src/etc/view.xml


<var name="global_messages"> <var name="is_fixed">true</var> </var>

The value of is_fixed was changed from false into true to place global messages on position fixed in order to avoid layout shifts.

  1. src/Magento_Checkout/web/template/minicart/content.html

Minicart template was rewritten to place the actions container at the bottom of the minicart. The goal was to avoid layout shifts when the first product is added to the cart and minicart changes its content/look from an empty state.

  1. Order cancellation module https://creativestyle.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CSHOP/pages/2757722114/Magento+2.4.7#Breakingchanges

If template order/history.phtml is overwritten in Magento_Sales module, it will not be applied. Please check.

  1. FONTS

If any issue with font loading is spotted, please make sure that the fonts are properly preloaded: Frontend Customizations - examples | Integrate self hosted fonts . If the local_fonts_file declaration in default.xml is missing, custom fonts may not be loaded.


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