

GitHub - magesuite/url-regeneration

This module adds an option for regenerating selected or all product URLs at once and for regenerating a given category URL or all category URLs at once.



This module is part of MageSuite metapackage


Installation if metapackage is not used:

composer require "creativestyle/magesuite-url-regeneration" ^1.0.0

Admin settings

Product URLs can be regenerated from the product listing page in the admin panel:



Remember that all old URLs related to selected products (including 301 redirects) will be removed. This operation may take some time depending on amount of products selected.


Category URLs can be regenerated from any category edit page:



Backend documentation in progress

Product Url Generator

class UrlGenerator { public function regenerate($productIds = []) { $stores = $this->storeManager->getStores(false); foreach ($stores as $store) { $this->regenerateStoreUrls($store, $productIds); } } protected function regenerateStoreUrls($store, $productIds = []) { ..... $products = $collection->load(); foreach ($products as $product) { $product->setStoreId($storeId); $this->urlPersist->deleteByData([ \Magento\UrlRewrite\Service\V1\Data\UrlRewrite::ENTITY_ID => $product->getId(), \Magento\UrlRewrite\Service\V1\Data\UrlRewrite::ENTITY_TYPE => \Magento\CatalogUrlRewrite\Model\ProductUrlRewriteGenerator::ENTITY_TYPE, \Magento\UrlRewrite\Service\V1\Data\UrlRewrite::STORE_ID => $storeId ]); $newUrls = $this->productUrlRewriteGenerator->generate($product); try { $this->urlPersist->replace($newUrls); } catch (\Exception $e) {} //phpcs:ignore } } }


class ProductUrlRewriteGenerator { /** Generate product url rewrites */ public function generate(Product $product, $rootCategoryId = null) { ..... $urls = $this->isGlobalScope($storeId) ? $this->generateForGlobalScope($productCategories, $product, $rootCategoryId) : $this->generateForSpecificStoreView($storeId, $productCategories, $product, $rootCategoryId); return $urls; } protected function generateForSpecificStoreView( ..... ) { return $this->getProductScopeRewriteGenerator() ->generateForSpecificStoreView($storeId, $productCategories, $product, $rootCategoryId); } }


/** * Generates Product/Category URLs for different scopes */ class ProductScopeRewriteGenerator { /** * Generate list of urls for specific store view */ public function generateForSpecificStoreView($storeId, $productCategories, Product $product, $rootCategoryId = null) { $mergeDataProvider = clone $this->mergeDataProviderPrototype; ..... return $mergeDataProvider->getData(); } }


abstract class AbstractStorage implements StorageInterface { public function replace(array $urls) { if (!$urls) { return []; } return $this->doReplace($urls); } }


class Storage { /** * Save product/category urlRewrite association */ public function afterReplace(StorageInterface $object, array $result, array $urls) { $toSave = []; foreach ($this->filterUrls($result) as $record) { $metadata = $record->getMetadata(); $toSave[] = [ 'url_rewrite_id' => $record->getUrlRewriteId(), 'category_id' => $metadata['category_id'], 'product_id' => $record->getEntityId(), ]; } if (count($toSave) > 0) { $this->productResource->saveMultiple($toSave); } return $result; } /** * Filter urls */ protected function filterUrls(array $urls) { $filteredUrls = []; ..... $existingUrls = $data ? $this->urlFinder->findAllByData($data) : []; $mergeDataProviderForNewUrls = $this->mergeDataProviderFactory->create(); $mergeDataProviderForOldUrls = $this->mergeDataProviderFactory->create(); $mergeDataProviderForNewUrls->merge($filteredUrls); $mergeDataProviderForOldUrls->merge($existingUrls); return array_intersect_key( $mergeDataProviderForOldUrls->getData(), $mergeDataProviderForNewUrls->getData() ); } }


Category Url Generator

class UrlGenerator { public function regenerate($categoryId, $withSubcategories = false) { $stores = $this->storeManager->getStores(false); foreach ($stores as $store) { $this->deleteOldUrls($store, $categoryId, $withSubcategories); } foreach ($stores as $store) { $this->regenerateStoreUrls($store, $categoryId, $withSubcategories); } } protected function regenerateStoreUrls(\Magento\Store\Api\Data\StoreInterface $store, int $categoryId, bool $withSubcategories = false) { $category = $this->getCategoryByStore($categoryId, $store); ..... $newUrls = $this->categoryUrlRewriteGenerator->generate($category); try { $this->urlPersist->replace($newUrls); } catch (\Exception $e) {} //phpcs:ignore ..... foreach ($category->getChildrenCategories() as $childCategory) { $this->regenerateStoreUrls($store, $childCategory->getId(), true); } } }


class CategoryUrlRewriteGenerator { /** * Generate list of urls. */ public function generate($category, $overrideStoreUrls = false, $rootCategoryId = null) { ..... $urls = $this->isGlobalScope($storeId) ? $this->generateForGlobalScope($category, $overrideStoreUrls, $rootCategoryId) : $this->generateForSpecificStoreView($storeId, $category, $rootCategoryId); return $urls; } }


class CategoryUrlRewriteGenerator { /** * Generate list of urls */ public function generate($category, $overrideStoreUrls = false, $rootCategoryId = null) { ..... $urls = $this->isGlobalScope($storeId) ? $this->generateForGlobalScope($category, $overrideStoreUrls, $rootCategoryId) : $this->generateForSpecificStoreView($storeId, $category, $rootCategoryId); return $urls; } /** * Generate list of urls per store */ protected function generateForSpecificStoreView($storeId, Category $category = null, $rootCategoryId = null) { $mergeDataProvider = clone $this->mergeDataProviderPrototype; ..... return $mergeDataProvider->getData(); } }


abstract class AbstractStorage implements StorageInterface { public function replace(array $urls) { if (!$urls) { return []; } return $this->doReplace($urls); } }


class Storage { /** * Save product/category urlRewrite association */ public function afterReplace(StorageInterface $object, array $result, array $urls) { $toSave = []; foreach ($this->filterUrls($result) as $record) { $metadata = $record->getMetadata(); $toSave[] = [ 'url_rewrite_id' => $record->getUrlRewriteId(), 'category_id' => $metadata['category_id'], 'product_id' => $record->getEntityId(), ]; } if (count($toSave) > 0) { $this->productResource->saveMultiple($toSave); } return $result; } /** * Filter urls */ protected function filterUrls(array $urls) { $filteredUrls = []; ..... $existingUrls = $data ? $this->urlFinder->findAllByData($data) : []; $mergeDataProviderForNewUrls = $this->mergeDataProviderFactory->create(); $mergeDataProviderForOldUrls = $this->mergeDataProviderFactory->create(); $mergeDataProviderForNewUrls->merge($filteredUrls); $mergeDataProviderForOldUrls->merge($existingUrls); return array_intersect_key( $mergeDataProviderForOldUrls->getData(), $mergeDataProviderForNewUrls->getData() ); } }



There are no frontend functionalities in this module.




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