

GitHub - magesuite/js-translation-fix

Fixes JS translation gathering for minified assets.


This module is a part of MageSuite metapackage

Installation if metapackage is not used:

composer require "creativestyle/magesuite-js-translation-fix" ^1.0.0

Admin settings

There are no admin settings, the module is enabled by default.


The module was introduced because Magesuite workflow minifies our JS code before Magento searches for wordings and it could not find them. An additional regexp was added, that allows Magento to find MageSuite strings. Basically Magento searches (among others) for $.mage.__() or jQuery.mage.__(), but after minification the result is x.mage.__() where x can be anything. The new regexp skips the prefix and searches only for .mage.__().

js-translation-fix/etc/di.xml at 1.x ยท magesuite/js-translation-fix

<type name="Magento\Translation\Model\Js\Config"> <arguments> <argument name="patterns" xsi:type="array"> <item name="cs_translation_widget" xsi:type="string"><![CDATA[~\.mage\.__\((?s)[^'"]*?(['"])(.+?)(?<!\\)\1(?s).*?\)~]]></item> </argument> </arguments> </type>


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