GitHub - magesuite/clear-attributes
This module removes values left over from not existing EAV attributes. The script is executed during setup:upgrade
This module is a part of MageSuite metapackage
Installation if meta package is not used:
composer require "creativestyle/magesuite-clear-attributes" ^1.0.0
Admin settings
There are no admin settings, the module is enabled by default.
The module has the possibility to print SQL queries which are executed during cleanup in the console: bin/magento cs:clear:attributes
DELETE FROM catalog_category_entity_datetime WHERE attribute_id NOT IN (SELECT attribute_id FROM eav_attribute);
DELETE FROM catalog_category_entity_decimal WHERE attribute_id NOT IN (SELECT attribute_id FROM eav_attribute);
DELETE FROM catalog_category_entity_int WHERE attribute_id NOT IN (SELECT attribute_id FROM eav_attribute);
DELETE FROM catalog_category_entity_text WHERE attribute_id NOT IN (SELECT attribute_id FROM eav_attribute);
DELETE FROM catalog_category_entity_varchar WHERE attribute_id NOT IN (SELECT attribute_id FROM eav_attribute);
DELETE FROM catalog_product_entity_datetime WHERE attribute_id NOT IN (SELECT attribute_id FROM eav_attribute);
DELETE FROM catalog_product_entity_decimal WHERE attribute_id NOT IN (SELECT attribute_id FROM eav_attribute);
DELETE FROM catalog_product_entity_gallery WHERE attribute_id NOT IN (SELECT attribute_id FROM eav_attribute);
DELETE FROM catalog_product_entity_int WHERE attribute_id NOT IN (SELECT attribute_id FROM eav_attribute);
DELETE FROM catalog_product_entity_media_gallery WHERE attribute_id NOT IN (SELECT attribute_id FROM eav_attribute);
DELETE FROM catalog_product_entity_text WHERE attribute_id NOT IN (SELECT attribute_id FROM eav_attribute);
DELETE FROM catalog_product_entity_varchar WHERE attribute_id NOT IN (SELECT attribute_id FROM eav_attribute);
, multiple selections available,
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