

GitHub - magesuite/content-constructor-asset

This module is an asset provider Content Constructor.

It may be possible that this module is leftover of previous Conternt Constructor version - to be checked.



This module is part of core metapackage


Installation if metapackage is not used:

composer require "creativestyle/magesuite-content-constructor-asset" ^1.0.0

Admin settings

There are no admin settings for this module


The only functionality in the module is Service/AssetLocator It returns the URL of an asset.

This service is declared in magesuite-content-constructor-admin/Block/Adminhtml/ContentConstructor/Constructor.php and used in getAsset($assetLocation) method


In progress - to be checked


Assets are declared for <content-constructor> tag in magesuite-content-constructor-admin/view/adminhtml/templates/constructor.phtml

assets-src="<?= $block->getAsset('/') ?>/"

However, passed values are probably never used.