ContentConstructorSampleModule (optional)
GitHub - magesuite/magesuite-success-page-registration
The purpose of this module is to provide a sample custom module for Content Constructor. This simple example can help developers to develop their own CC modules.
This module is optional
composer require "creativestyle/magesuite-content-constructor-sample-module" ^1.0.0
Admin settings
No admin settings
Custom Content Constructor Components
Previous documentation guides serve as a point of reference for development of MageSuite core,
however, the recent release (^4.1.0) introduced a support for Custom Content Contructor Components that can be defined in user's own custom modules.
How to setup Content Constructor
Go to magesuite-content-constructor-admin module and run yarn install
Now the following tasks are available:
yarn build
yarn start
yarn lint
How do custom components work?
During build there is a task copyCustomComponents
executed which will search through the vendor/*
folder for a directory with the specific name
and copies its content to magesuite-content-constructor-admin/view/adminhtml/src/custom-components/
This folder should have all custom components and their declarations:
import helloWorldConfigurator from './components/hello-world/configurator/hello-world';
import helloWorldPreview from './components/hello-world/preview/hello-world';
export const customComponentsConfigurator = {
'hello-world-configurator': helloWorldConfigurator,
export const customComponentsPreview = {
'hello-world-preview': helloWorldPreview,
and also two .scss files with style imports for configurator and preview:
These will be imported automatically onto the Content Constructor.
Note: If there are more than one magesuite-custom-content-constructor-components folders or none have been found - default (empty) entries will be copied from magesuite-content-constructor-admin/view/adminhtml/src/_custom-components/.
Then the default build task will run.
In the end each project can have different content-constructor.js output file because it can have different custom components
In the past, we used to build and commit the output file. Now, the build of content constructor assets needs to be triggered manually
How to create custom component?
There is a BE and FE work required, we have prepared an example of custom Content Constructor component sample module.
You can add it in your project:
As for creating the components using Vue, we recommend checking out other default components which can be found in magesuite-content-constructor-admin/view/adminhtml/src/components and rely on it and the firts part of this documentation