GuestWishlist (optional)

GuestWishlist (optional)

GitHub - magesuite/guest-wishlist

This module provides wishlist functionality for guest users. The default Magento functionality allows only logged-in users to add products to their wish list. This feature increases UX for guest users and since the wish list will persist until they return, the conversion rate will also benefit.



This module is optional

composer require "creativestyle/magesuite-guest-wishlist" ^1.0.0

User guide

4.9. Guest Wishlist

Admin settings

The module is switched on by default when installed. There are additional settings in:

Stores -> Configuration -> MageSuite -> Guest Wishlist



Default value



Default value


Guest wishlist cookie lifetime (minutes)


Default value is 1 year

Show account links for guest wishlist


When set to Yes, account menu (Address book, Accout details, etc.) are show. After clicking on it the guest user is redirected to login page.

Empty wishlists retention period


How long (in days) empty guest wishlists are kept

Empty wishlists cleanup cron expression

25 1 * * *

Provide cron expression at which cleanup should happen


Be documentation still need to be added.


The guest wishlist has the same layout and styling as the wishlist for logged-in users.


At the bottom of the guest wishlist, there is a share link. When pasted into any browser, it will display the guest wishlist of that particular user.


When a user has some products added to the wishlist as a guest and will log in, products are merged with your account wishlist. After logging out all products are assigned to the account’s wishlist.


When sharing guest wishlist the user must be aware of the fact that the person who got the link can modify his wishlist and every change the user makes will be reflected in the wishlist under this link.



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