AutoOrderCancel (optional)
GitHub - magesuite/auto-order-cancel
This module adds the possibility to cancel bank transfer orders after a given period.
This module is optional.
composer require "creativestyle/magesuite-auto-order-cancel" ^1.0.0
Admin settings
Admin settings for the module are placed in Stores -> Configuration -> MageSuite -> Auto order cancel
Field | Options | Comment |
Enable cancellation of unpaid orders |  Yes/No | Disabled by default |
Payment Methods | List of payment methods available in the shop | Please select the bank transfer methods to auto cancel. |
Time to cancel orders (days) | number | Number of days after which an unpaid order will be canceled, default: 7 |
Cancel orders cron schedule | crone schedule | Enter crone schedule, default: 30 3 * * * |
Add documentation for BE code
Cron runs execute
method in file vendor/creativestyle/magesuite-auto-order-cancel/Cron/CancelOrders.php
class CancelOrders
public function execute()
It runs also execute
method in service vendor/creativestyle/magesuite-auto-order-cancel/Service/OrderCanceller.php
It calls method cancelUnpaidOrders
we get collection with orders which need to be canceled
than for each order all invoices are canceled and than given order is canceled
class OrderCanceller
public function execute():void
foreach ($this->storeManager->getStores() as $store) {
public function cancelUnpaidOrders(?int $storeId = null):void
$orders = $this->ordersToCancelCollection->getOrders($storeId);
foreach ($orders as $order) {
protected function cancelInvoices(\Magento\Sales\Model\Order $order):void
foreach ($order->getInvoiceCollection() as $invoice) {
The module does not provide any functionality for the storefront.