Version 19

Version 19

List of breaking changes in theme-creativeshop version ^19.0.0

Smaller or more common Content Constructor components styles are now included in bundles. There is also an option to include other CC components styles in bundles in child projects

In order to improve the performance we decided to bundle the most common or smallest CC components into our base CSS bundles. A configuration in etc/view.xml is introduced for components, to decide if styles should be included as a separate CSS file, imported in a template, or included in bundles.

In MageSuite_ContentConstructorFrontend new variables were introduced:

<vars module="MageSuite_ContentConstructorFrontend"> <var name="accordion"> <var name="include_styles_in_component">true</var> </var> <var name="brand_carousel"> <var name="include_styles_in_component">true</var> </var> <var name="category_links"> <var name="include_styles_in_component">true</var> </var> <var name="daily_deal_teaser"> <var name="include_styles_in_component">true</var> </var> <var name="image_teaser"> <var name="include_styles_in_component">true</var> </var> <var name="paragraph"> <var name="include_styles_in_component">true</var> </var> <var name="product_carousel"> <var name="include_styles_in_component">true</var> </var> <var name="product_teaser"> <var name="include_styles_in_component">true</var> </var> <var name="product_finder"> <var name="include_styles_in_component">true</var> </var> <var name="product_grid"> <var name="include_styles_in_component">true</var> </var> <var name="separator"> <var name="include_styles_in_component">true</var> </var> </vars>


In version 19 of theme-creativeshop styles for:

  • image teasers

  • products carousel

  • paragraph

  • separator

were configured as NOT included in component - include_styles_in_component variable is set to false.

In all bundle entries, additional imports were added:

/** * Content Constructor components styles included in bundles */ import 'components/image-teaser/image-teaser.scss'; import 'components/products-carousel/products-carousel.scss'; import 'components/paragraph/paragraph.scss'; import 'components/separator/separator.scss';

In order to include styling for the above components child projects must ensure that proper imports are present.

Dev Hint: The following files shall be reviewed


Additionally, a child project can decide what other styles should be included in bundles.