3.4.5.Fast Shipping indicator

3.4.5.Fast Shipping indicator

The Fast Shipping Indicator is a helpful visualization to highlight that the given item may be shipped today in case the customer does place the order within a specific amount of time. This hint is visible on Product Detail pages inside the buybox (“FAST SHIPPING AVAILABLE. Only if you order until 16:00”). The customer might be incentivized to place the order quickly since he is interested in receiving the shipment quickly. This in turn increases conversions.


In case the Fast Shipping period passed, the user will get a corresponding hint, e.g. that the shipment will take place tomorrow.


Figure 122 Fast Shipping Indicator on Product Detail pages (storefront)




In order to set up the Fast Shipping Indicator access STORES / SETTINGS / CONFIGURATION and navigate to MAGESUITE and POSITIVE INDICATORS. Here expand the FAST SHIPPING section. Set the ENABLED dropdown to YES in order to enable the Fast Shipping Indicator.


In the WORKING DAYS multi-select field mark the days the Fast Shipping Indicator should be active, i.e. Fast Shipping will apply (shipping today). On days that are not marked here the user will get a correspending message, i.e. that the shipment will take place on Monday.


In the HOLIDAYS input you can enter dates where the fast shipping will not apply (similar to the days not marked in WORKING DAYS). However, these dates do override the days marked in the WORKING DAYS multi-select, such as Christmas holidays. All dates (each day) needs to be put in here separately, comma-separated.

In the TIME TO DELIVERY TODAY input field enter the exact time till fast shipping should apply to. E.g. if the input is “16:00” the user will get the fast shipping message before 16.00. In case the user visits the Product Detail page later than 16:00, fast shipping will not be applied.38

In the LOGISTICS WORKING HOURS input field enter the amount of hours the logistics department is fulfilling orders and shipments. This is input needs to be taken into account with the input made in ORDER QUEUE LENGTH. In case the logistics department has a long queue of orders (e.g. Christmas time) ORDER QUEUE LENGTH can bet set to “10”. When the WORKING HOURS input is set to “8” at the given the logistics department firstly needs to fulfill the queue, which is 10 hours. Since the working hours are only 8 hours, no new order can be shipped at this day and fast shipping will not be applied. The next day 2 hours left from the previous day. After the remaining queue of 2 hours passed, new orders can be fulfilled and fast shipping will be applied.


When the settings have been made click SAVE CONFIG on the top section on the right-hand side. In order to make the changes visible go to SYSTEM / TOOLS / CACHE MANAGEMENT and click FLUSH MAGENTO CACHE.39


Figure 123 Fast Shipping Indicator configuration (admin panel)





38 Please take into account the time-zone set in STORES / SETTINGS / CONFIGURATION in GENERAL / GENERAL / LOCALE OPTIONS and TIMEZONE

39 Please note that it may take up to 10 minutes to make the changes visible in the storefront.


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