4.2.Simple Bundle Products

4.2.Simple Bundle Products

The Simple Bundle Products feature an option added to the configuration of Magento 2 Bundle Products. The feature allows to create a Bundle Product with only one option per bundle item contained within the product. Thus, the customer does not have the possibility to customize the bundle in the case of Simple Bundle Products. In case the customer does not have to make any selections on the storefront there is a higher probability of adding the actual Bundle Product to the cart and complete 
the checkout which has a positive impact on conversions.


Figure 173 Simple Bundle Product's Product Detail Page (storefront)



In order to set up a Simple Bundle Product access CATALOG / INVENTORY / PRODUCTS and click the 
small ARROW DOWN icon next to ADD PRODUCT and select BUNDLE PRODUCT. Now create a usual 
Bundle Product.52 When doing so you need to take following points into account:


  • Under ADVANCED PRICING it is recommended to select “AS LOW AS” in the PRICE VIEW. Having this selection you actually display only one price on the Product Detail page on the storefront instead of a price range. Since the customer will be given no options to customize displaying a price range might confuse him.

  • When creating the Simple Bundle product it is essential to check if you want to use DYNAMIC PRICE. Once the checkbox is ticked (or unticked) it is not possible to edit this setting after saving the product. In case you selected dynamic prices (YES) the prices of the given Simple Bundle Product change dynamically according to the prices of the attached simple products. If you deselected dynamic prices (NO) you can control the price of the given Simple Bundle Product manually. This is especially helpful when setting up discounts for the Simple Bundle Product under ADVANCED PRICING.

  • Under the BUNDLE ITEMS section be sure to include only one item per option. Also set this item to IS DEFAULT and enter a DEFAULT QUANTITY for the item that should actually be added to the cart when add the Simple Bundle to the cart. Since the customer should not have any options to customize the Simple Bundle Product, adding more options per bundle item makes no sense.


When the settings have been done tick the SIMPLIFIED BUNDLE PRODUCT checkbox and click SAVE

on the top section on the right-hand side.



Figure 174 Creating a Simple Bundle Product (admin panel)







52 Here you can find the official Magento 2 user guide how to create Bundle Products: https://docs.magento.com/m2/2.2/ce/user_guide/catalog/product-create-bundle.html