SuccessPageOrderDetails (optional)
GitHub - magesuite/success-page-order-details
This module allows to add order summary block on the success page and display it as a modal.
This module is optional
composer require "creativestyle/magesuite-success-page-order-details" ^1.0.0
Admin settings
Stores -> Configuration -> Magesuite -> Success Page
There is a dropdown allowing an admin user to enable/disable the module once installed. It is not enabled by default.
TODO - BE documentation and review of documentation is needed
There is an additional button See order details
added to the success page.
Order details are displayed as a modal:
There is a possibility to adjust it per project (it requires additional work - is not available in this module by default) - some of them are displaying basic order summary directly on the success page. Details are available in the modal.
Basic styles are available in theme-creativeshop/src/MageSuite_SuccessPageOrderDetails directory and are not included by default. If needed proper importimport ‘MageSuite_SuccessPageOrderDetails';
should be added to checkout.ts
. It’s already listed in the optional components list.