


This extension adds PDF attachments to sales emails. The module is needed when there should be additional PDFs like “Terms and conditions” or “Return policy” attached to the order confirmation email.


This module is a part of MageSuite metapackage.

composer require "creativestyle/magesuite-email-attachments" ^3.0.0


Admin settings

Attachments can be added in the admin panel:

Stores -> Configuration -> Sales -> Sales Emails -> New Order Confirmation Email Attachments


Only pdf, doc, docx, odt files format is allowed.



Repository for the MageSuite Email Attachments module, including:

  • Extending \Magento\Framework\Mail\Template\TransportBuilder with addAttachmentByFilePath function

  • Implement uploading of files in the admin panel by adding new section Sales / Sales emails / New Order Confirmation Email Attachments with 3 input fields

  • Implement attaching uploaded files to emails by adding a plugin for TransportBuilder which attach files to email with a proper template identifier


There is nothing on the frontend to document.

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