2.1. Creating CMS pages using CC components

2.1. Creating CMS pages using CC components

In order to create a new CMS page access the admin panel and then go to CONTENT / ELEMENTS / PAGES.

On the top right side click ADD NEW PAGE.

Expand the CONTENT (MS) section.


At the top of this section you are able to select the storefront visibility:

·       MOBILE: when enabled, the configured CC components are only visible on mobile devices

·       DESKTOP: when enabled, the configured CC components are only visible on desktop devices

·       NOT VISBILE: when enabled, the configured CC components are not visible on the storefront


In order to add a new CC component, navigate in between the header and footer wireframe and click the “+”.




On the next overlay page you can add CC components to the CMS page.



The following sections explain how to setup the above CC components.

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