2.14. CMS Product Backlink

2.14. CMS Product Backlink


The CMS Product Backlink feature allows referencing CMS Pages on the Product Detail page in case the product has been linked on the corresponding CMS Page. This is especially useful when having e.g. “how-to” CMS pages which contain Products (CC Product Carousel or CC Product Grid components). When accessing the product detail pages the user will have a backlink to the actual “how-to” CMS page. This feature allows attracting the user’s attention and keeping him within the shop. In turn this might lead to higher conversions. On the other hand having a more sophisticated backlink structure on the domain will increase the shop’s SEO performance.


In order to use this feature you firstly have to set it up. Access STORES / SETTINGS / CONFIGURATION and navigate to MAGESUITE and CMS PRODUCT BACKLINK. Here you have to enable the feature using the IS ENABLED select field.


Also you can enable UPDATE BACKLINK ON SAVE. If you select "Yes", the CMS Backlinks will appear right after saving the CMS page. If you select "No", the CMS Backlinks will appear after the cronjobs processed the change.32


Further you may want to disallow certain pages from the backlink feature, such as the 404 error page. Youcan disallow such pages in the EXCLUDED PAGES multi-select field (pages selected here will not appear as CMS Page links on the product detail pages).


After making the configuration here click SAVE CONFIG in the top section on the right-hand side.





32 For the cronjob configuration access STORES / SETTINGS / CONFIGURATION and navigate to ADVANCED / SYSTEM / CRON (SCHEDULED TASKS)




Figure 87 CMS Product Backlink configuration (admin panel)



Now you can add a Product Backlink component to CMS pages. Access CONTENT / ELEMENTS / PAGES. Here you can navigate to the CMS Page you would like to add the Product Backlink component and click EDIT in the ACTION column. Navigate to the CONTENT section and add either a CC Product grid or CC Product Carousel component using the “+” button. Configure the components as described in sec. Product Carousel and sec. Products Grid. When done, click SAVE on the component configuration page and then SAVE PAGE on the CMS Page configuration.


Figure 88 CC Product Carousel configuration (admin panel)


Depending on the configuration in the UPDATE BACKLINK ON SAVE field the CMS backlinks should now be visible on the storefront. No further changes are needed in the product configuration. You can access the CMS page with the added Product Backlink components (CC Product Carousel or CC Product Grid components) on the storefront. Click a product and verify on the product detail page. On the very top section (above the footer section) you should have a “CMS PAGES” section including the CMS Page Image Teaser (see CMS Page Image Teaser) and CMS Page title, similar as shown on Figure 89. The location is depending on the styling.


Figure 89 CMS Page Image Teaser on Product detail page (storefront)



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