2.8. FAQ Pages

2.8. FAQ Pages


MageSuite is using the Aheadworks FAQ Extension for Magento 2.26 The extensions allows writing as well as grouping of FAQ articles into categories. You can use a search input for searching FAQ articles. Also the extension does include a rating feature (such as “was this article helpful?”).


The proceeding section will give a brief overview of the configuration of FAQ pages and the extension. You can view the full Aheadword FAQ Extension documentation here: http://confluence.aheadworks.com/display/EUDOC/FAQ+-+Magento+2 - FAQ-Magento2-Gettingaround

Figure 72 FAQ Pages extension (storefront)


 In first place you should configure the FAQ extension in STORES / SETTINGS / CONFIGURATION



In the GENERAL SETTINGS area you may enter a title for the FAQ section in STOREFRONT FAQ NAME. Also you should select an URL key for the FAQ section in the FAQ ROUTE input. Finally you can disable or enable the FAQ section for specific customer groups in the DISABLE FOR CUSTOMER GROUPS multi-select. You can also disable or enable the article rating feature in the ARTICLE HELPFULNESS section and the WHO CAN VIEW HELPFULNESS multi-select.



26 https://ecommerce.aheadworks.com/magento-2-extensions/faq


Figure 73 FAQ extension configuration (admin panel)



After the FAQ Pages extension configuration you may go ahead with adding FAQ categories. Working with categories gives a better structure of FAQ articles when having a significant amount of entries. Access CONTENT / FAQ BY AHEADWORKS / CATEGORIES. In this FAQ Categories grid you may edit existing categories or create new categories by clicking the ADD NEW CATEGORY button.




Enter a descriptive CATEGORY NAME in the input field. Also you are asked to enter a unique URL KEY for the given category. Next choose the STORE VIEW you would like to use the FAQ category in. All other settings are optional. When finishing the setup you may tick the ENABLE CATEGORY checkbox to make it visible on the storefront and hit the SAVE CATEGORY button.




Now you can go to the FAQ Articles overview grid under CONTENT / FAQ BY AHEADWORKS / ARTICLES. Here you can edit existing FAQ Articles as well as create new ones by clicking ADD NEW ARTICLE.






Firstly enter a descriptive ARTICLE TITLE and a unique URL KEY in the input fields. Choose the STORE VIEW you would like to use the FAQ Article in. Next you can select a CATEGORY from the categories created in the previous step. Finally insert CONTENT for the FAQ Article using the WYSIWYG editor. All other settings are optional. When the settings have been made you may enable the FAQ Article for the storefront by ticking the ENABLE ARTICLE checkbox and saving by hitting SAVE ARTICLE.


Now you have added FAQ Categories and FAQ Articles. In order to make the FAQ section easily accessible on the storefront you may add a reference in the footer section. Navigate to CONTENT / ELEMENTS / BLOCKS. Choose the footer link CMS block you would like to use the FAQ section in and click EDIT in the ACTION column. In the WYSIWYG editor you may add a simple href link, such as “<li class="cs-footer-list item"><a href="faq">FAQ</a></li>”.27 Also you may add a Custom Link in the navigation (see Custom Links in Main Navigation).





27 Here you need to add the URL key you have chosen in STORES / SETTINGS / CONFIGURATION under AHEADWORKS EXTENSION / FAQ in the FAQ ROUTE input field.