2.2. Working with existing CC Components

2.2. Working with existing CC Components

When already having CC components in the CONTENT area the components can be moved (switched with other CC components), edited, duplicated and removed. Furthermore, the visibility of CC components can be adjusted for desktop and mobile views. In order to display these options you need to move the cursor on the area of a given CC component.





Moving CC components

In order to move the given CC component up (switching it with the CC component located above) hit the “ARROW UP” button. In order to move the given CC component down (switching it with the CC component located underneath) hit the “ARROW DOWN” button.


Editing CC components

In order to edit the given CC component, click the “EDIT” button (pencil icon). You can now edit the configuration of the given CC component and save or cancel the changes. Please note, that not all CC components can be edited.


Duplicating CC components

In order to duplicate the given CC component, click the “DUPLICATE” button (icon with two windows). Please note, that not all CC components can be duplicated.


Adjusting visibility of CC components

In order to hide the given CC component for a specific device, you can use the MOBILE and DESKTOP checkbox. When ticked, the given component is visible on the specific device. Per default CC components are visible for both mobile and desktop devices.


Removing CC components

In order to remove a given CC component, click the “BIN” button (bin icon). You can either confirm the removal or cancel it.


Copy CC components

Similar as the duplicating feature, the copy feature will allow to re-use existing CC components and their content and configuration. In addition to that, the copy feature will allow the content manager to place the CC component in another CMS page, a category page or any product detail page.

The admin user is able to copy up to 10 CC components.

When pasting the CC components, the admin user is able to

  • paste one specific CC component

  • all copied CC components

  • clear all copied CC components

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