2.3. Working with existing CMS Pages

2.3. Working with existing CMS Pages

When accessing CONTENT / ELEMENTS / PAGES you are in the CMS page overview grid. Here you  have the possibility to work with existing CMS pages.  

Quick Edit16 

In order to perform a quick edit from the CMS page overview grid just click inside the area of a CMS  page row. Now you are able to perform a quick edit from the CMS page overview grid. 


Figure 50 CMS page overview grid - quick edit 

Editing CMS pages 

In order to edit an existing CMS page navigate to the “ACTION” column and the corresponding CMS  page row. Now click “SELECT” and “EDIT”. 

Figure 51 CMS page overview grid - Edit 

Deleting CMS pages 

In order to delete an existing CMS page navigate to the “ACTION” column and the corresponding CMS  page row. Now click “SELECT” and “DELETE” (see the screenshot above). 

16 Please note that the columns depicted on the screenshot may deviate to you admin panel view depending on the columns  configuration in „COLUMNS“ underneath the „ADD NEW PAGE“ button.


Viewing CMS pages 

In order to view an existing CMS page navigate to the “ACTION” column and the corresponding CMS  page row. Now click “SELECT” and “VIEW” (see the screenshot above). Please note, that the CMS  page to be viewed will display in the same window. 


Duplicating CMS pages 

In order to duplicate an existing CMS page navigate to the “ACTION” column and the corresponding  CMS page row. Now click “SELECT” and “DUPLICATE” (see the screenshot above).  

In the proceeding overlay you will be asked to enter a NEW PAGE IDENTIFIER (URL key), which has to  be unique. Additionally you have to enter a NEW PAGE TITLE, which does not have to be unique. 

In case you are about to duplicate a CMS page containing a CC Paragraph or CC Static block  component, you can copy these components. In order to do so you need to tick the COPY THIS BLOCK checkbox and enter a NEW IDENTIFIER for the duplicate paragraph or static block (the new identifier  must be unique and cannot be used already by any other CMS block). Also you can enter a NEW TITLE for the duplicate paragraph or static block. If you do not tick the COPY THIS BLOCK checkbox,  changes in the original CMS page’s paragraph or static block components will also lead to changes in  the duplicate CMS page’s paragraph and static block components. 


Figure 52 Duplicating CMS pages

Mass Action 

In order to perform a mass action in the CMS page overview grid you firstly have to select the CMS  pages to be changed. You can do this either using the checkbox dropdown and SELECT ALL CMS  pages (see screenshot below) or by ticking the checkboxes of specific CMS pages in the checkbox  column. 


Figure 53 Mass Action CMS page selection 

When the desired CMS pages have been selected you can use the ACTION dropdown field to select  the action to be performed: 

  • DELETE: The selected CMS pages will be removed. 

  • DISABLE: The selected CMS pages will be disabled for the storefront. 

  • ENABLE: The selected CMS pages will be enabled for the storefront. 

  • EDIT: A quick edit will be performed for the selected CMS pages. 


Figure 54 Mass Action options for CMS pages

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