2.9. Custom Links in Main Navigation

2.9. Custom Links in Main Navigation

The MageSuite does offer the possibility to add a custom link in the main navigation. In this case the user will be redirected to a custom target URL instead of the product overview page. This is especially useful for CMS content, such as blog pages, about us pages etc.


In order to add a custom link in the navigation firstly access the category overview in CATALOG / INVENTORY / CATEGORIES. Click the category you would like to add the custom link in on the category tree on the left-hand side. In the CUSTOM TARGET URL input field you can now enter the custom link. Instead of the corresponding product overview page (category page) the user will now be redirected to the URL you have entered here. For external references you need to enter the full URL (e.g. http://www.magesuite.io/). For internal references on the same domain you may use relative URLs (e.g. “/men-cms-page”).28


When the settings have been made click the SAVE button on the top section on the right-hand side.



Figure 78 Adding Custom Links in Categories configuration (admin panel)





28 In order to find out the URL keys of CMS pages go to the CMS Page overview grid in CONTENT / ELEMENTS / PAGES and see the column URL KEY.


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