2.4. CMS Page Grouping 

2.4. CMS Page Grouping 


The CMS Page Grouping feature does allow redirecting to another CMS page with the same page  group identifier (“Page Group ID”) when switching store views. This is especially useful in case the  user switches the language (store view) using the language switcher on the storefront.  

On the below screenshots’ example there are two CMS pages for the imprint section: 

  • Page ID 10002 (page title “Impressum”) for the German store view 

  • Page ID 10003 (page title “Imprint”) for the English store view 

Both CMS pages use the same PAGE GROUP ID (“imprint”) as can be seen on the CMS page overview  grid on Figure 56. Now in case the user is located on the “Impressum” CMS page (Page ID 10002) and  chooses to switch to the English store view (see Figure 57) he will be automatically redirected to the  “Imprint” CMS page (Page ID 10003) due to being in the same CMS Page Group (“imprint”). 

CMS Page Group IDs can be set by two methods. 

Method 1: CMS Page Configuration 

Access the CMS Page overview grid in CONTENT / ELEMENTS / PAGES. Now navigate to the CMS  Page to add the CMS Page Group ID and click “EDIT” in the “ACTION” column. Now expand the  SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION area. You can put in the desired PAGE GROUP ID identifier (unique)  in the corresponding input field (see Figure 55). In order to save the changes click “SAVE PAGE” on  top of the CMS Page configuration view.


Figure 55 CMS Page Group ID configuration (admin panel) 


Method 2: CMS Page overview grid quick edit 

Access the CMS Page overview grid in CONTENT / ELEMENTS / PAGES. Now navigate to the CMS  Page to add the CMS Page Group ID and click inside the area of the CMS Pages’ row. By doing so you  enabled the quick edit mode of the given CMS page. Now you can enter the desired PAGE GROUP ID in the input field.17 When the input has been entered click SAVE underneath the quick edit bar to save  the changes. 

Figure 56 CMS Page Group ID in the CMS page overview grid (admin panel) 


17 In case there is no such column „PAGE GROUP ID“ you need to firstly enable it for the CMS Page overview grid in „COLUMNS“  by ticking the checkbox PAGE GROUP ID.

Figure 57 Switching languages / store views via language switcher (storefront)


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