2.1.17. Daily Deal Teaser

2.1.17. Daily Deal Teaser

The CC Daily Deal Teaser component allows including existing Daily Deal products to be displayed on CMS pages. Both simple products and configurable products can be displayed in this component. For more information on Daily Deals and how to set them up, see section Daily Deal. On the storefront the component itself contains following elements (depending on the styling):


·       The product image including a Daily Deal badge

·       The product name

·       The review summary

·       The time left for the given Daily Deal

·       The amount of items available for the given Daily Deal

·       The discount badge

·       The price and the strike price (only for simple products)

·       The add-to-cart button


In order to add products to the Daily Deal Teaser component you can select CATEGORIES in the multi-select field.


Alternatively, you can add products via the SKUS input (comma separated). However, providing a list of SKUs will disable any filtering and sorting configured for that component. Also the category selection (if specified) will also not be taken into account. Only products with specified SKUs will be displayed in exactly the same order as they are provided in SKUs field.


On the CC Daily Deal Teaser component only one product will be displayed. However, the logic of this component does allow including more than one product which will be displayed in a specific order. The order of products to be displayed on the storefront depends on the order set in the admin panel for the component.


·       In case products have been added via the SKUS field, the products will be displayed in the exact order are entered in the field. Filtering (FILTER) and Sorting (ORDER BY) will be ignored. If the first product runs out the Daily Deal period, the next product will be displayed.

·       In case products have been added via the CATEGORIES select field, the products will be displayed taking into account the ORDER BY setting. When setting the attribute “offer to” to be used for ORDER BY, the Daily Deal run-time period will be taking into account, i.e. the product that has either the shortest or the longest Daily Deal period will be displayed first. If the first product runs out the Daily Deal run-time period, the next product will be displayed.


The CUSTOM DATA PROVIDER input has been used for creating custom criteria in existing MageSuite projects. However it used by developers only and it is not recommended for customer use.


You can also set a FILTER to e.g. display only new products.


In the ORDER BY select fields you can pick an attribute used to sort the products (ascending or descending).



When the settings have been made, click SAVE.




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